Baxters of Scotland

courtesy of Baxters Soups

1980's New Products for Changing Tastes

The 1980s saw the business growing. Baxters traditional soups were already well-established as the leading premium brand in the UK. Baxters beetroot and mini-jars of jam and marmalade now also reached the number one position in their respective UK markets. During the course of the decade, the Company's annual turnover tripled, from �10m to over �30m.

Gordon and Ena continued with their relentless schedule of overseas visits, while, at the same time, masterminding the expansion of the product range, the development of new sales and marketing initiatives, and the start of a long-term programme of investment in new technology.

During this time consumer tastes were also changing rapidly. A new health-consciousness was beginning to emerge, along with a growing demand for different and more exotic flavours. The development team responded with customary Baxter flair, introducing the highly successful Luxury, Special Occasion and Vegetarian soup ranges. Where possible, additives, preservatives and artificial colouring were completely eliminated and more emphasis placed on low-fat, high-fibre recipes. Higher-fruit, lower sugar jams began to prove extremely popular.

Today as Baxters Spicy Thai Chicken Soup with Lemon Grass shares a shelf with Cock-a-Leekie, the hills and rivers and glens of Moray can obviously no longer furnish all the ingredients. Much of what now goes into the pot comes from considerably further afield. But the tradition of quality is still deeply ingrained. Where George and Margaret once scoured the North East of Scotland, Baxter buyers and quality controllers in the 1990s travel the globe in search of the finest ingredients.

The finest ingredients, of course, are wasted if the care in preparation is not equally good. The Baxter ladies, Margaret, Ethel and Ena have, in their turn, successfully upheld the tradition of fine, wholesome home cooking. The fact that the cooking pots have become progressively bigger has done nothing to diminish the natural goodness that comes out of them. With the help of scientific expertise and advanced technology - such as huge rotating ovens which now cook the soup in its cans and thereby preserve all the flavour and goodness - Baxters products are still as nearly "home-made" as possible.


Italian (pancetta) Chicken with creamy mushroom & herb sauce

Shopping list: 450g/1lb skinless chicken breasts, 12 thin rashers streaky bacon or pancetta.

Recipe: Wrap each chicken breast with three rashers of bacon or pancetta. Put on an oiled baking tray and bake at 200C/400F/ GasMark 6 for 20 minutes. Heat sauce and pour onto 4 warmed plates. Slice the chicken breasts thickly and set on top of the sauce.

Serve with: Boiled new potatoes and broccoli.
